Team Spotlight: Robin Pantours

- What is your position at Hey Mate / Mate Studio?

Counsellor/  workshop facilitator 

 Could you share some highlights from your creative industry experience before joining Hey Mate?

My creative pursuits have been in writing and bringing creative therapies to networks of groups and individual therapies as I see and value the importance of creative therapies to explore mental health and life in general and dig deeper into the human experience. 


 Which aspect of your work at Hey Mate ignites your passion, and what makes it so meaningful to you?

It is a pinch-me moment when I get to provide counseling to such an amazing group of people, I have felt privileged to be connected to amazing people following their passions and navigating the creative world, These interactions most definitely confirm why I became a therapist. 

- If you could champion one change in the creative industry, what would it be and how would it make a difference?

Mental health support in the industry, the value of EAP work, and workshops to support people in often misunderstood environments and high-stress periods is really something not to be taken for granted. 

- Everyone has a story; what’s a quirky or unexpected chapter/fact from yours?

Education was something i pursued later in life, I grew up moving from place to place and in multiple countries and by the time I was a teen i disengaged from school and used the world as my schooling, From speaking a second language, studying religion, and traveling with friends to foreign places. It was not until in my later life did i pursue formal learning and now at 40 am in a master's program.

-  Reflecting on the guidance you’ve received over the years, which piece of advice stands out and continues to influence you today?

Life is a continued pursuit of wisdom, in which we should never become complacent in. Be willing to change and shift with the growth of your wise self. 


Understanding Imposter Syndrome, Self-Critical Thoughts, and Self-Sabotage in the Creative Industries