Inside the Industry: Artists Speak Out on Needed Mental Health Supports


Inside the Industry: Artists Speak Out on Needed Mental Health Supports

The entertainment industry, with its glitz and glamour, often masks the reality of the mental health challenges faced by artists. Recently, there has been a wave of artists who have bravely stepped forward to share their experiences and advocate for better mental health supports within the industry. This blog post delves into the voices of these artists and the crucial supports they believe are necessary for mental wellbeing.

The Call for Open Dialogue

Artists like Billie Eilish and Lady Gaga have been vocal about their personal struggles with mental health, using their platforms to spread awareness and encourage open dialogue. They emphasize the importance of breaking the stigma that surrounds mental health discussions, especially in an industry where image and perception are paramount.

Advocating for Accessible Resources

Many artists have pointed out the lack of accessible mental health resources tailored to the unique needs of those in the creative sector. They call for industry-wide support systems, including Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) that are readily available and equipped to handle the specific pressures of artistic careers.

The Need for Industry-Specific Therapists

The consensus among speaking artists is the need for mental health professionals who specialize in the arts. These therapists would understand the intricacies of the industry and provide relevant support for issues like performance anxiety, creative block, and the emotional toll of public scrutiny.

Mental Health Education and Training

There’s a growing demand for mental health education and training within the arts community. Artists are advocating for workshops and seminars that can equip them with the tools to manage stress, cope with rejection, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Supportive Communities and Peer Networks

The role of community and peer support is highlighted as a cornerstone for mental wellbeing. Initiatives like group therapy sessions and peer-led support networks can offer a sense of solidarity and shared understanding that is often missing in the competitive atmosphere of the arts.

As more artists speak out, the industry is beginning to listen and take action. The push for mental health supports is not just about improving individual wellbeing; it’s about fostering a healthier, more sustainable creative community. By addressing these needs, the industry can ensure that the artists at its heart are not only successful but also thriving.

Mental Health Support Resources in Australia

For those seeking mental health support in Australia, here is a list of current resources available:

These resources are part of a growing network of support aimed at improving mental health and wellbeing for individuals in the arts sector and beyond.


Building Community, Enhancing Health: The Role of Togetherness in the Arts


Ahead of the Curve: Proactive Mental Health Strategies in the Arts Sector